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Stay Connected

Design Challenge

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Project Overview

OpenIDEO initiated a design challenge amidst the pandemic, tasking participants with crafting innovative solutions to various pandemic-induced issues, such as healthcare, community support, or food supply disruptions.


In response, I conceptualized an app to deliver location-specific information via zip codes, aiding community cohesion by keeping residents informed about local news. This initiative countered misinformation and promoted community connection.


Amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, local businesses and communities face a pressing need for reliable information dissemination and community support. The proliferation of misinformation exacerbates the situation, hindering efforts to foster cohesion and connection among residents. In response to these critical issues, there is a demand for innovative solutions that leverage technology to deliver accurate, location-specific information and promote community resilience during times of crisis.

Design Process

Identifying Needs

To start my project, I analyzed the prevalent needs during the pandemic's onset. I observed widespread misinformation on virus management, a sense of community loss due to business closures, and inadequate communication channels for accessing healthcare services, including testing centers and vaccine clinics.


During the early stages of the pandemic misinformation
on Instagram and
TikTok encouraged
harmful practices like
ingesting hand sanitizers
and disregarding
masking, impeding
virus containment.


Quarantine measures led to a sense of isolation, diminishing community bonds, while local businesses suffered due to shutdowns, exacerbating economic challenges.


Poor communication
from healthcare providers
left many unaware
of access to testing
and vaccinations, exacerbating the challenge of obtaining timely healthcare services during the pandemic.

User Flow Chart

The user flow of the app is designed to be straightforward and simple, ensuring clarity in its offerings. It begins with the sign-on process, utilizing the zip code to create a personalized profile and provide access to local news, businesses, and clinics. The News category prioritizes community updates and CDC information, combating misinformation prevalent on social media. Local businesses are highlighted through the zip code-based feed, promoting community engagement and exposure. Lastly, the healthcare section allows easy access to information on open centers and capacities, eliminating barriers to healthcare services.

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The Design

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My wireframes were developed following the user flow chart, ensuring simplicity for easy navigation by all
users. This approach prioritized user experience, aiming for clear and intuitive design elements throughout the app interface.

Personal Reflection

Reflecting on this project, I found it deeply personal, resonating with my own frustrations at the pandemic's outset. Addressing pain points mirrored my early struggles, making the endeavor profoundly meaningful. However, I regret not delving deeper into community building, wishing I had explored additional avenues to enhance this aspect of the app. Nonetheless, the journey was enriching, and I thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating something impactful and relevant.

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